Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict

Main points
  • Conflict started by British colonization by over promising land
    • gave both sides land - Balfour declaration
  • Zionism - nationalism caused by antisemitism
  • Isreal being recognized from US, France, Soviet Union
  • UN participation
    • partition plan - accepted by Jewish people but rejected by Arabs and British. This caused Isreal to gain 50% more land and then gave up Gaza
  • Series of wars (ex; 6 day war) between Arab and Jews and Palestinians and Jews
  • Creation of Camp David (created by US president at time) brought together Isreal and Egypt instead of being at war. Brought peace.
  • The importance of Jerusalem as a holy place - strong nationalism.
  • Arabs used oil as a form of defense

The territorial puzzle

  • Water rights; people are not getting enough water (West Bank)
  • Division of Jerusalem: religious/holy sites, Israel claims it but allows Palestinians to come and Jordan has rights to it
  • Israel building settlements
  • The wall meant for separation, goes through Palestinian territories because of many terrorists
  • Refugees 4.4 million
  • Where do you put them?
  • Israel controls Gaza

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