Saturday, April 11, 2015

India and Pakistan

The Partition of India:
1) Britain declared war on half of India.
India was promised independence if sided with Great Britain
2) Ghandi created the "quit India movement."
--during the quit India movement Britain repressed violently.
3. Disputed borders: India, Pakistan, and Kashmir
Borders along religious lines
Largest migration in history
1 million people were victims
10 to 14 million were displaced
4. Viceroy wanted to run India differently: no single authority, split of power between Hindus and Muslims
5. India gained independence on August 15, 1947

Fantasy frontiers:
1. Three countries fighting over same area: Kashmir
2. Afghanistan refuses to recognize the borders
3. China also claims South Tibet and Askai Chin
4. Pakistan says that Kashmir should be Muslim

Groups against the British Party
1. Muslim League
2. Congress Party
3. Unionist Party
4. Sikhs (wanted their own separate land too (Land of the Pure)

Situation After WWII
1. Britain is in debt
2. Gandhi became the new leader of Congress
3. Indian Muslims wanted to break free of the Indian Hindus: disagreement of laws and prejudice

Objectives of the Congress Party
1. Goal: Independent and United India
2. Democracy similar to Great Britain

Objectives of the Muslim League
1. Wanted a separate Nation from Hindus
2. Refused to work with Congress and the local government
3. They wanted Pakistan --> Land of the Pure

1937 Elections
1. Congress won
2. 485 Muslim seats available but they did they won 108 --> Muslim League were weak and not in control
3. Lucknow --> Trying to compromise the Hindus and Muslims
4. 1942 Cripps Mission --> Promise of Independence of India and accept a new Constitution --> Promise made by Britain during WWII
5. Split up India into the Hindus and Muslims

1946 Elections
1. First time tying in religion Congress
2. Muslim League reversed the 1937 Elections --> Took over all their 485 seats --> Gained their power back --> Not good for both Hindus and British --> British now need to deal independence for both Hindus and Muslims
3. **Dealing with India/Pakistan and Israel/Palestine at the same time
4. Muslim League was only able to provincial governments in Bengal and Sind

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